secab replied

243 weeks ago

During the job interview, many of us heard the reason for dismissal from our previous job. You don't have to be afraid of that. Answer honestly. But there is no need to speak negatively about past work.
If you have achieved high results in the previous place and do not see further growth on it, so tell and list past achievements. Add that before the dismissal discussed the prospects of growth with the previous boss and did not find a solution that would suit both.

detelina replied

243 weeks ago

It's not that simple. I quit one of my jobs because my boss used a perfume I was allergic to.

mollika replied

243 weeks ago

I have an interview on Sunday and the thought of starting an absolutely new job just after being quarantined for months makes me remember that I need to refresh my memory and review again how to tell about yourself .

wivet replied

242 weeks ago

I've had a few interviews and I remember being worried! It was terrible, but the result was the way I wanted it!
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