Elgorian replied

705 weeks ago

Just something I'm kind of working on as I skill up Leatherworking. Would be cool to get it up on Eorzepedia eventually. Only at LW14 at the moment though so have a ways to go.

Ranks 1-10
Sheep Leather (06) –- Simple Resources!!!

–Sheep Skin in wards 3.5k roughly (Selbina)
–Make the Sheep Leather until Rank 5. Make sure to use your simple resources.

Sheepskin Vamps (09)
–Make the Sheepskin Vamps until Rank 10. Make Sheep Leather as needed if you run out at any time assuming you went 1-5 making Sheep Leather shouldn’t need much extra.

–Took me roughly 12 Sheep Skins to get to Rank 10.
–The Sheepskin Vamps NPC for about 10k a stack. Can break even or profit depending on the Sheep Skin prices.

Ranks 10-20
Antelope Sinew Cord (14) –- Simple Resources!!!
–Antelope Sinew Cords are about the same price per synth as the Sheep Leather was (Selbina).
–These sell for a horrible 1.5k a stack to NPC. Sell on Retainer if possible either way looking at a loss if you end up buying the mats.
–Alternatively this is a good spot to fill in with Leves as this is just a bridge synth to move you onto Dodo Leather which is somewhat risky at this point to even ettempt.

It’s time to Upgrade some items and get some clothes on!
Alternates are listed if you don’t want to get too far above your rank in gear. Will not list anything more than 3 ranks above current rank (13).

Main: Brass Head Knife (R12)
Off: Bronze Awl (R10)
Head: Walking Hat (R07)
Body: Moth-eaten Coatee (R15)
Waist: Weathered Toold Belt (R01) Leather Tool Belt (R16)
Legs: Hempen Tights/Slops (R06) Cotton Tights/Slops (R16)
Feet: Weathered Thighboots (R01) Dodoskin Thighboots (R16)
Hands: Hempen Halfgloves (R04) Cotton Halfgloves (R14)

Now that we’re all geared up for those of us that weren’t yet let’s continue.
Note: If you don’t feel comfortable starting this at 13 you can keep making cords until 14. But should be able to start Dodo Leather just fine now.
Dodo Leather (18) –- Simple Resources!!!!
–Buy (or Farm) the dodo skin as cheap as you can.
Dodo Leather Strap (11)
Dodoskin Shoulder Guards (17)

–Using the above 3 synths will allow you to recycle some of the Dodo Leather that you’re making into more SP.
–Ideally you will want to be synthing in this order: Dodo Leather > Dodoskin Shoulder Guards x4. You make 12 Straps per strap synth so just make those when you need to restock. Dodo Leather x1 > Dodoskin Shoulder Guards x4 will be your main SP.

Hippocrates Members replied

704 weeks ago

Very nice. Thanks for putting together.

Elgorian replied

704 weeks ago

Assuming all the above recipes are kept with the change, may put it up on erozepedia, I know they're getting rid of some "Parts" not sure if the synths will stay or be phased out.

Ranok replied

704 weeks ago

Those synths they are changing will stay temporarily and then be abolished so only the new synths are in game.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T. S. Eliot

Elgorian replied

704 weeks ago

Ah….. so this guide might be obsolete in the future? :X And I have it written up to Rank 30 now…. but seeing as I'm R15 I can't post it with confidence XD

Elgorian replied

704 weeks ago

Note: I'm still R15, but heres what I have written up to R30. Just in case… anyone wants to try it out, lemme know how it is. Just trying to figure out what I'll be working on in the future ^.^

Hippogryph Sinew Cord (24)–- Simple Resources!!!
–If you find the Dodo Leather > Dodoskin Shoulder Guards starting to get slow and need a change of pace this synth works but might be a bit more costly to do.

Ranks 20-30
Hippogryph Sinew Cord (24) –- Simple Resources!!!
–Might be able to start Buffalo Leather early if you have Tanning Training. However this guide is throwing in alternatives if you do not have the guild marks. However if you have Tanning Training you can try and start the Buffalo Leather now, I would still recommend waiting until 21 or 22. If the materials for dodo stage above are cheaper feel free to continue doing that for a longer grind.
Buffalo Leather (26?28?) –- Simple Resources!!!
Buffalo Leather Strap (21)
–Similar to the dodo stage make the leather and synth it into straps. Good way to recycle the leather and will leave you needing less buffalo skin in the end with the extra skill ups from the leather straps.
Diremite Sinew Cord (29) –- Simple Resources!!!
–As with the Hippogryph Sinew Cord if you feel things start to slow down a bit you can give these Diremite Sinew Cords a shot for a bit more SP per synth. Otherwise keep up the Buffalo Leather > Buffalo Strap x4 until 30-32.
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