Well, I shared this on the lodestone. Wanted to have your opinion on this. =)
Seeing the content of the annual Shareholder's meeting of Square Enix that took place in June, made me think again about a few of their statements from May 13th about their plan for 2011/2012.
When Yoichi Wada the actual CEO was asked about what caused the flaws of FFXIV and when billing may begin for the game, he answered that the management skills on the project organization were problematic and that the internal quality review was also weak. Before choosing a billing date it seems that they are now trying to determine the conditions necessary for billing.
In May, Yoichi Wada, stated that SE would not release as many AAA console titles. SE aim to have a system in which can operate two or three MMO titles at a time, and thus they currently have another title under development in addition to FINAL FANTASY XIV.
That is when I remembered a mail from SE in which they were looking developers to work on a next generation game engine. Are they improving and tweaking their actual Chrystal Tools which is in my opinion already a next-generation game engine or working on a new one far better ?
I still have no idea but looking at the graphical quality they can already provide, I expect it to be amazing.
I hope its based off a theme I don't like….like football MMO <_< or something. I can't be playing 2 mmos!
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot
I remember the post on Zam about that.. I remember at the time thinking "-.-".. but once again square have been handed an opportunity to make a successful game, providing they actually take the criticisms and pro's/con's of the previous 2 and actually construct something that's financially viable and fun.
SE made the mmo Fantasy Earth Zero for their third online game may not fall in the normal mmorpg genre, the normal style of final fantasy is realistic style fantasy as opposed to anime style or the wugly style of wow
Arngrim Valeth Members replied
710 weeks ago