Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago

Back during my days in Final Fantasy XI, I tried leveling up Woodworking. I fell in love with the craft, obviously. It's an excellent money maker, it's pretty nice on the wallet… and then I got banned for no reason! I lost my Woodworking 78, and I couldn't really get back into the craft because I lost so much hard work. Okay, putting my Final Fantasy XI experiences aside for now, Carpentry will most likely be my first craft to 50. I made this guide in case if anyone else is interested in the craft, and sifting through Google is time-consuming and stupid. I'm open to suggestions, because I want this guide to be the best.

This guide will be formatted similarly to Ctownwoody's guides.

For now, I'll let anyone copy and paste this guide to other places like Wikia as long as they credit me and link back to the website.
Dear God, please do not claim it as your own.


- Ctownwoody (inspiration, format)
- Yellow Gremlin
- Sandy Kitano (criticism)


Mini "Crafting for Dummies":

  • Guild Location:
  • Tools:
    Market Wards or NPCs with Weathered Saws
  • Support:
    Repair NPCs, guilds, camps
  • What to craft:
    Scroll down, you dope. And dump a bucket of freezing water over yourself.
  • "Y'know, we don't really have skill-up caps in this game…":
    I use "cap" as "stop synthing what you're synthing right now."
  • Elemental affinity:
    You'll be using mostly wind, earth, lightning. One recipe requires ice shards.
  • I'm broke!!111:
    Some recipes are sellables.


    Rank 1:
  • Maple Lumber: (R0)
    Maple Log x1
    Wind Shard x3

    Before you go nuts and buy several stacks of maple lumber, please look at the other recipes in the 1-10 list to see what will work for you, because I've listed two better alternatives. But, if you're a crazy botanist with nothing else to do with your maple logs, make maple lumber.

    Rank 1 to 7:
  • Lauan Plank: (R7)
    Lauan Log x1
    Wind Shard x4

    If you need a more profitable passage through this section, try these.

    Rank 3 to 10
  • Ash Cane: (R10)
    Ash Log x1
    Growth Formula Alpha x1
    Wind Shard x3
    Lightning Shard x3

    Alchemy 8

    Bigger moneymaker. Anyone can make the formulas with low level alchemy, and the ingredients are easy to farm. On the other hand, ash logs are also pretty cheap (1k on Selbina) and easy to find with Botany. Once you're done, Put them on your retainer and sell them; try to sell them for 10k or so.

    Rank 7-14:
  • Ash Lumber: (R14)
    Ash Log x1
    Wind Shard x6

    To put it in Ctownwoody's terms, ash lumber will be your bridge to willow wands. So, you'll be crafting these until you're at a good enough level gap for willow wands.

    Rank 9-16
  • Walnut Lumber: (R16)
    Walnut Log x1
    Wind Shard x6

    Try these if the prices are alright. Or just get Botanist and gather some.

    Rank 11-18:
  • Willow Wand: (R18)
    Willow Branch x1
    Growth Formula Alpha x1
    Wind Shard x5
    Lightning Shard x5

    Alchemy 8

    Another moneymaker, but better because level 20 gear is worth buying, and it's a base for the budding and R32 elemental versions. They'll sell quickly around the 11-30k range.

    Rank 17-22:
  • Ash Francisca Haft: (R24)
    Ash Log x1
    Wind Shard x3

    SP will slow down around 21, but make them until you're comfortable with the level gap with oak lumber or masks. Francisca = The FFXIV version of a warrior's Tomahawk. Up to you if you want to save them.

    Rank 19-26
  • Oak Lumber: (R26)
    Oak Log x1
    Wind Shard x9

    You can make these for your next synth. Be sure to check lumber and log prices to see what works, because you'd rather do the next recipe if buying lumber is better than using logs. Actually, go level up your botanist.

    Rank 22-30:
  • Oak Half Mask: (R30)
    Oak Lumber x1
    Wind Shard x3
    Earth Shard x3

    Here's another powercraft recipe. Buy up a lot of lumber (or use your own if you leveled up with the above recipe), and craft away. In the end, NPC them and bazaar the HQs.

last edited 716 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata

Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago

Not used.

last edited 716 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata

Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago

Deleted 716 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata

Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago

Not used.

last edited 716 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata

Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago

Not used.

last edited 716 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata

Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago

Reserved for 41-50

Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago


last edited 716 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata

Vergiliaux Renata replied

716 weeks ago

The Moneymaker Recipe List

  • Lumber and planks. You'll have more competitors with these items in the wards, but there's a lot of demand for them.
  • Conjury weapons: materials are usually a piece of wood and a formula, but there are also recipes that will be more expensive (like elemental wands) or recipes that are probably not worth doing (perhaps radicals). Find a weapon that's perfect on the wallet, make several of them, and give them to your retainer to sell. Please check the item search counter when you can for undercutters.

last edited 716 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata
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