Felion Nova Members replied

718 weeks ago

So I'm putting together a list of r30 leves to save so that when we do group up for a leve party we can link for mass sp. This list is INCOMPLETE and if you know of any other leves besides these (rank doesn't matter) please post them. If you are unsure if the leve would be suitable for the list put (?) at the end so it can be tested. Thanks!

r30 leves:
-adamantine wills
-overtime in the mines (?)

Elgorian replied

718 weeks ago

-The Devlit Inside (Horizon)

Felion Nova Members replied

718 weeks ago

OK!!! It has come to my attention that one way to get great sp for the r30 leve levinshower is to actually not kill the last (or last two if we want to be safe) elementals and instead cancel the leve before killing them. By doing this you are able to pick up levinshower in the next reset apparently almost 100% of the time. Thanks Slayn for the info, hope everyone reads this!

Slayn Admin replied

718 weeks ago

was this confirmed yet Ursa?
Edit: looks like this has been confirmed

last edited 718 weeks ago by Slayn

Charlie Xenn replied

707 weeks ago


last edited 707 weeks ago by Charlie Xenn

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