Vergiliaux Renata replied

708 weeks ago

I read a review on one of the 5770 cards on Amazon. I'll give it a shot, I guess.

Vergiliaux Renata replied

708 weeks ago

Yep. I blew up my card. :) Games are playable, but I'm gonna have to deal with the fail textures.

Slayn Admin replied

708 weeks ago

thats sucks well i have to deal with them too until i get a new card.

Vergiliaux Renata replied

708 weeks ago


I have my shopping list ready. I have the card I mentioned earlier on it, and I gotta look for a power supply that's around 600W-ish.

But I'm a little confused about this PCI Express stuff. What's that, exactly? :(

Slayn Admin replied

708 weeks ago

pci express is the part of the mother board where you attach the video card. Here is a good site i think will help you choose a video card.
check high end and you can see how good they are on a point scale.

Vergiliaux Renata replied

708 weeks ago

Score: 1345.2 >< Lol.
And I see nVidia's kicking ass on the list.

I'm looking at these cards: this and this

Leaning towards the 560Ti

Slayn Admin replied

708 weeks ago

pretty sure im getting the 560ti 560 or 570depends on some technical specs for future performance. if they in the end use the same tech one just has faster ram ill go with the 560

Vergiliaux Renata replied

708 weeks ago

Regular 560 specs:

450W supply requirement. That ain't bad.

Slayn Admin replied

708 weeks ago

im going online for a bit are you online to give me a pearl

Vergiliaux Renata replied

708 weeks ago

I can come online. Give me a bit.
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