Just a heads up may need to click to enlarge if it's hard to see what's marked in the picture.
Step 1: Find the Characters Link on menu to the Left
Step 2: Find the "Add Character to Guildwork button towards the top
Step 3: Enter the required information and click proceed
Step 4: You will be given a verification code to put in your lodestone biography note: code will be different for everyone. don't use this one use the one provided
Step 6: Once logged in and on the homepage go to Profile.
Step 7: On the right side you'll see a link that says "Character Profile Settings" click this.
Step 8: Click Edit note: if you get an error screen after this step on lodestone you may just have to wait and start over in a bit. Lodestone may be under maintnance.
Step 9: Copy and paste the verification code you were given in step 4 and click preview. note: if you get an error screen after this step on lodestone you may just have to wait and start over in a bit. Lodestone may be under maintnance.
Step 10: Click on Post. note: if you get an error screen after this step on lodestone you may just have to wait and start over in a bit. Lodestone may be under maintnance.
Step 11: Return to the Guildwork page and click on the "add character to guildwork button". note: may have to wait a few seconds after doing step 10.
Step 12: If everything was done correctly then your FFXIV character should now be successfully linked to Guildwork
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot
Elgorian replied
720 weeks ago