Sandy Kitano Admin replied

718 weeks ago

In war, it is not perhaps the strongest man who wins, nor the swiftest, but the one who wields the greatest technological advantage. Yet unlike the artless, push button weaponry of the modern age, the archer wields his bow and arrow with grace and aplomb. It is fearsome weapon that requires skill and precision, able to snipe man and beast from great distance. Its master must have command of the terrain, choosing the most advantageous position from which to strike, as well as the limitations of their projectiles and the weaknesses of their enemies.

The Archer is perhaps one of the strongest job in the Disciples of War. Traditionally attributed to the of longbow sentries of Elezen military and the shortbow hunters of the Miqo’te, in Final Fantasy XIV the skilled archer is not limited to any race.

At long range, they can both support melee companions and provide heavy damage. While weaker at close range, a crafty archer can position himself behind a beast, increasing damage more and more with each critical hit. For the Archer, solo missions can be trifles as enemies quiver under the storm of arrow tipped rain. His projectiles, however, are not limited to the classic bow and arrow; archers are trained by the guild in all throwing arts, including the use of rocks and stones. A true warrior, after all, must also take into account function and practicality.

Here’s a short summary of the key attributes. Getting a reference such as a FFXIV guide to Archers which is complied specifically for the class is recommended for serious gamers.

Strength – Strength is the backbone of all damage statistics. It will allow you to wind your bow back and fling arrows with greater velocity and inflict more suffering on your helpless foes.

Vitality – Vitality is the essence of defense and well being. High vitality will increase your health and your resistance to attacks. While an archer uses distance as its greatest defense, their power and pestilence will also make them a likely first target, and one cannot completely ignore defense lest he be crushed by an onslaught of vengeful, charging clubs.

Dexterity – All the strength in the world means nothing if the arrowhead does not hit its target. Nor is two shots in the leg worth one in the throat. A Final Fantasy XIV Archer must raise his dexterity in order to shoot with precision, to not only hit his target but park his arrows in the vital areas that will debilitate and destroy him.

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last edited 286 weeks ago by Aaviiii

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