Elgorian replied

705 weeks ago

Mostly just interested in stuff for GLA PGL

PGL Fists of the Sixth Sun (NM: Cactuar Jack) O
GLA Flametongue (NM: Prince of Pestilence) X

GLA Conquistador Elmo (NM: Cactuar Jack) O

GLA Kokoroon's Darkshell Mail (NM: Kokoroon Quickfingers) O
PGL/GLA Eternal Shade (NM: Quen Bolete) X (Not sure if I need or not PGL31 and has a body ready and GLA has the above at 35 would be nice until 35 though)

PGL Penance (NM: Phaia) O

GLA Paladin's Trousers (NM: Unknown Soldier) X

PGL/GLA Engineer's Leggings (NM: Spitfire) O

GLA Warden's Gauntlets O
PGL Brigand's Gloves (Chest in Thousand Maws) X

Doesn't drop anything I need but…. Downy Dunstan is a sheep… I wanna kill it >_>

If anyone has some suggestions for GLA/PGL gear that -should- be on this list and isn't lemme know.
Still kinda new at looking up NMs and stuff… but think this is a decent list…

last edited 704 weeks ago by Elgorian

Elgorian replied

705 weeks ago

Thanks for all the help the other day! 4 Items checked off the list :D

Appreciate it.

Vergiliaux Renata replied

705 weeks ago

Eternal Shade is still a pretty good piece to have around just in case. I can help with NM drops again.

And yes, Warden's gauntlets come from Toto-rak. You should consider getting Brigand's Acton and, if you want, Brigand's gloves.

last edited 705 weeks ago by Vergiliaux Renata

Elgorian replied

705 weeks ago

Any info on those? Not seeing anything on erozapedia not a huge ZAM fan personally but I s'pose I'll check there >_<

Edit: Gloves look nice, Not sure if the body would get much use at this point for PGL or GLA. Using Leather Harness (Black) right now on PGL and may or may not upgrade to Scouting Jacket (I think it is?) at 35. I imagine I'd just use Eternal Shade 25-35 on GLA though I could upgrade to the Acton at 30, I suppose I'd get it trying for gloves. Not really pushing GLA too hard atm just hitting some spare leves when I can (mostly for marks) focusing on PGL mostly atm.

last edited 705 weeks ago by Elgorian

Vergiliaux Renata replied

705 weeks ago

ZAM and Eorzeapedia were slow with the update, if they updated at all. I use Yellow Gremlin and FFXIVpro for a lot of things.

I don't know much about PGL. Just trying to help. :)

Elgorian replied

704 weeks ago

PGL R50 Gear

Main: Jade Hora / Verdant Hora
Head: Silver Tricorne / Helm of the Lone Knight
Body: Harrier's Jacket / Maybe upgrade to Alpine War Jacket 5 DEX 6 VIT vs 3 DEX/VIT/STR
Waist: Penance
Legs: Tarred Leather Trousers And/Or Velveteen Kecks– Kecks are highest Evasion Piece for leg slot.
Feet: Padded Leather Duckbills > Bladedancer's Jackboots
Hands: Brigand's Gloves / Toadskin Wristguards > Mitts of the Lone Knight

Been doing some research, and trying to figure out what kind of gear I'll be looking at for R50.
Still 35 but wouldn't mind being on the lookout for any +1/2/3 versions.

Was wondering if any other PGL could comment on the above choices.


last edited 704 weeks ago by Elgorian

Elgorian replied

704 weeks ago

Does the tarred belt beat Penance?

Pennance Vs Tarred Voyager's Belt

Defense 11 vs 18
Mg. Defense 14 vs 13
Evasion 8 vs 6
Resilience 13 vs 15
Strength 2 vs 0
Vitality 1 vs 0
Elemental Resist 7 vs 7

Penance looked good even though it is only a R35 item.

The hands are understandable, I assume would still upgrade to mitts of the lone knight?

Feet make sense too, I had chose the duckbills since I'm working on leatherworker XD. Guess they only have 1 more evasion than the Caliage. End result still being Bladedancer's though I think.

Also wondering with the changes to NQ/HQ coming would it still be worthwhile to even grab +1/2/3 gear now?

Thanks for the input Verg

last edited 704 weeks ago by Elgorian

Vergiliaux Renata replied

704 weeks ago

You can still have the tarred voyager's belt lying around in case. There could be better options out there for waist.
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