intelligence (int) -This stat effects how much damage you do with spells mind -More mind means more MP and better healing piety -This stat is the equivalent of dexterity for DoM vitality -Points should be spent in this so you don't die as much as I do. Just a thought
What stats should I choose? -for leveling and general group play your highest stat should be int, followed by piety and mind. Since vitality does not directly effect your spells, and assuming you mostly do leve parties, it should be the last stat you put points into. If you like to solo though, points should be allocated into vitality accordingly. NOTE: If healing is your thing and it is all you plan on doing, you only need to put points into mind and the rest in vitality. Keep in mind though that this will gimp your damage dealing capabilities.
Example Stats of mid r30's: 50 vit 80 int 70 mind 70 piety
What about those element points off to the right? -This is where things get iffy. I've read different articles on different sites and asked different people and they all seem to say different things. One universal idea that is going around that the points you put into the different elements dictate your defense in that element. What is up for debate is if they actually add to damage for that element. Some say yes, others no.
Felion Nova Members replied
718 weeks ago